Balancing your home along with your work is quite a difficult task and is not at all easy to manage. There might be some incidents at work where you will be thinking about your kids at home that what they will be doing, will they be all right, etc. These are some challenges you face while working and this affects your efficiency and performance at works space. When you are a working parent, you are not able to give enough time to the kids and this can result in exposing them to danger. Time management becomes very important in such cases but it is easier said than done.

While you are at work, your kid has access to all the technologies such as computers and mobile phones. It is very risky for them to use all this because they can easily get distracted and even you won’t be present there to keep a watch on them. In this world comprising of new technologies, it is important that your kid stays updated with that but only to a certain extent. These new technologies are not only beneficial to your kids but they can also work wonders for you in keeping your child safe. It is an impossible task to be physically present for your kids but there is a way with the help of which you can always be present digitally for them and that is by using parental control app.
Parental control apps are like an extra pair of eyes that can be used to keep a track of your child’s activities. These apps can help in keeping them safe and also protect them if there is any danger. You can monitor all the things that your kids do. They will never be out of your sight and hence, you can focus on your work without worrying about your kids at home with the help of parental control apps.
Parental control apps can be helpful in monitoring the devices used by your children and also you can manage the content which they look for on the Internet. If you are worried that your kid might be playing a lot of games then you can also block these games. It allows keeping a track of them always. With this feature, you can easily access the location of your kids. While you are not at home, your kids will easily take advantage of that and will use the mobile phones or the computer continuously for a longer period of time. Well, this is not an issue anymore; you can easily manage the amount of time they spend on these devices.
You must always ask your kids before using these apps. Because if you don’t discuss it with them before then when they will find out they might feel cheated. This will eventually lead to fights and create differences between you. You don’t want it to look like you are breaching their privacy and that is why it is important you talk with them and make them understand the importance of Parental control apps.
Until now, you might have realized how important these parental control apps are. Now, we will discuss some of the features of TiSPY’s parental control app in detail that will help parents to keep an eye on their children.
- Track text Messages: You can easily track any messages that were either received by or sent from the phone. These messages are also directed to the e-mail address that you have registered so; even if they are deleted from the phone you will still have those in your e-mail. This way you can easily make sure whether your kids are talking to strangers or not.
- Location Tracking and Geo-fencing: As the name suggests, you can know the exact location of your kids. This also helps you to know the full path of the whole day. There are also many other features included in this like, if the GPS of the phone is off, you can still know the location of your kids with the help of TiSPY location tracker. Also, there is a feature called Geofence which helps in marking a safe area and if your kids leave that space then it sends an alert to your phone.
- Monitor Internet use: You can keep a track of all the websites that are being visited by your kids along with its frequency. It also reveals the whole browser history and the time and date of the visited site.
- Health Monitor: This is a different and amazing feature that is included in TiSPY parental control app. This allows you to keep a note of the health of your kids. You can know the distance they walked or even the number of calories they burnt.
TiSPY parental control app comprises of many other brilliant features like this. You can always be there for your kid and help them against any danger with this app.