Too Less Time and Too Much Work
As mentioned above, with the pressure of work surmounting by the day, parents get absorbed in their professional life. There are no parents that do not want to spend quality time with the kids and exercise sufficient parental control at all times. But, they are unable to do for the obligations to their work life. Kids in such a scenario get affected heavily. Yes, earning bread and butter for your family is important but so is looking after your kid. The things like their daily activities, their friends, and their social life, in general, are some of the things that make each parent worry, regardless of whether they are able to give enough time to their kids. Thankfully, technology has also made it possible for you to keep an eye out for your kids even when you are not near them through parental control software. parental control software. Since kids these days are mostly always either on their phones or laptops and thus, monitoring them through parental control apps is a good idea for every busy parent out there. In general, parents shouldn’t be disconnected or distracted from their kids and should spend some quality time with them or watch their activities closely. Interact with kids occasionally and understand their body language if they are uncomfortable with specific topics which might give you hint that something is wrong. Sometimes kids are expert in hiding the emotions and parents fails to understand what really happening with them. If any parent have even 1% doubt than they should monitor their online activities which give them ideas what’s going wrong. In 2016 Pew Research Center did survey to parents having 13 – 17 years old kids and found some interesting numbers regarding digital monitoring.- 61% parents said they often checks which websites their kids are visiting
- 60% parents checked kid’s social media profiles
- 56% parents either followed or added friend to their kid on social media
- 48% checked teen’s phone call records or messages
The Advantages of Opting For a Parental Control Software
Every parent feels the need to protect their child from all the evils of the world and in such a scenario, a spy software can feel like a blessing for a busy parent. You can control your kids without having to ask them to hand over their phones and laptops on a daily basis for you to check. Besides, good parental control software comes with so many cool features that you just can’t say no to it.Location tracking
The location tracking feature in a parental control android app allows you to know the current and past location of your child in real-time. Through GeoFencing, you will also be able to locate if anyone has entered or left the location. Location tracking feature allows you to know the exact location of your kid.
Calls and Messaging (SMS) Tracking
This feature shows you which numbers are text messaging (SMS) logs or call logs along with time, date, and duration & also allows you to download the audio file of the calls that have got recorded. It allows you to know whom you child keeps in touch with. This is extremely useful feature when it comes understand if your kid is in danger or not.
Internet history tracking
The parental control software will allow you to monitor websites visited, number of times the websites was visited, date and time stamps for each site he/she has entered. You will also get to know the extent of time spent on apps. This feature even allows parents to block certain websites which shouldn’t be checked by kids.
Track installed mobile apps
Use a spy software to track installed apps and find stats on the apps that they use the most. Sometimes it happens that kid’s installs unnecessary application directly from website and not from the play store and hides in their phone. Parents can easily track these kind of applications via TiSPY dashboard.
Finding the Right Parental Control Apps for Your Needs
Though there are many good parental control apps out there, only some of them are as good as they claim to be. Want to protect your kids in the right way? Install TiSPY parental control software today for both the laptops and the mobiles. This parental monitoring app is simply loaded with features but comes with a really user-friendly interface that can be used easily by all parents.TiSPY: The Parental Control Software You Have Been Looking For
TiSPY makes parental monitoring really easy for you by enabling you to keep a close eye on your children at all times. The key features of TiSPY which make it so useful have been listed below.