Website Blocker
Did you know 80% of kids and teens check their phones hourly? Parental controls can filter the web, blocking inadvertent access to inappropriate websites. parents are must seriously consider what they want their children to be exposed to and what they permit them to see online.
Set unlimited number of safe/unsafe areas
Get email alerts each time they enter/leave geofences
Check date time stamp of Geofence location areas
View history and get all the area details on email.
Unrestricted access to the internet is not a right and it is certainly not a requirement of good parenting. Parents can reduce the risk of online predators by blocking certain websites and chat rooms.

TiSPY gives you facility to:
Block & Unblock particular website which you don’t want to access.
Block Sexual predators Website which you wont’t access your child.
You can allow website which you want to access your child.
Once you have block website you wont’t access it in your target CellPhone.
Block & Unblock particular website which you don’t want to access.
Block Sexual predators Website which you wont’t access your child.
You can allow website which you want to access your child.
Once you have block website you wont’t access it in your target CellPhone.