Sms Command

SMS Driven Image/Audio

How Sms Command Works?

Send sms with below codes to the device from any Mobile.

Depending on code in SMS it perform specific task.

See below codes with their corresponding task.

Your current SMS Access Code:

SMS Access code is configurable from settings page.

Instant Location

Goal : To view current Location.

Result : Location will be uploaded on the dashboard.

Instant Photo

Goal : To access instant Photo.

Result : Picture will be uploaded to TiSPY Scheduler page.

Capture Audio

Goal : To capture audio.

Result : Audio will be uploaded to TiSPY Scheduler page.

Note : 20 is duration in second.

Start WiFi

Goal : To Start WiFi forcefully.

Result : It will start WiFi connection of monitoring phone.

Stop WiFi

Goal : To Stop WiFi forcefully.

Result : It will stop WiFi connection of monitoring phone.

Unlock Device

Goal : To Unlock Device for 20 seconds.

Result : It will unlock monitoring phone for the specified duration.

Note : If you want to unlock phone for 1 minut change 20 to 60 in above command.

Play RIng

Goal : To Play Ring send above code.

Start GPS

Goal : To Start GPS forcefully (may not work in few devices).

Stop GPS

Goal : To Stop GPS forcefully (may not work in few devices)

Turn On Cell Data

Goal : Turn off Cell data forcefully.

Turn Off Cell Data

Goal : Turn off Cell data forcefully.

Disable Camera

Goal : Disable Camera.

Enable Camera

Goal : Enable Camera.

Auto Answer Command

Goal : Auto Answer command, After sending this command if you call monitoring phone from the same phone in 2 minutes, the call will be auto answer by monitoring phone.

Change Screen Lock Password

Goal : Change screen lock password of device. Newpassword is 4 or more digit number which you want to assign as new password.