Monitor & Block Installed Mobile Application
Tispy remotely captures all details of each contacts from target device’s phonebook so you can access all contacts directly from dashboard.
Set unlimited number of safe/unsafe areas
Get email alerts each time they enter/leave geofences
Check date time stamp of Geofence location areas
View history and get all the area details on email.
Being a parent isn’t just about the happiness of bringing up a person but also about your responsibility towards their safety, personality and upbringing. Kids, especially in their teens require a lot of supervision. Parental monitoring software has always been about knowing if your child is safe, that he/she isn’t making friends with people they shouldn’t, not going to places that can be risky and such things. Today, the facets still remain the same but the ways are different. With smartphones playing a bigger role in the lives of today’s kids, it becomes the parent’s responsibility to ensure that the technology is being used for the good. According to a survey, almost 56% of kids aged between 8 and 12 years own a smart phone. It might be reassuring to know where your kids are and whether they are safe, but at the same time, smartphones can expose your kids to platforms that can be disastrous.

Parents across the globe are already voicing their concerns about the amount of time their kids are spending with their smartphones, rather than the playground. With internet being a one stop platform for all kinds of information and interaction, it necessitates that you mark a line somewhere. Smartphones have become a top reason why students get distracted from studies and other activities they should spend time in.
Kid monitoring apps were conceived out of these needs. Parents, across the globe are using a wide variety of spy technologies to ensure that their kids are using technology responsibly and that they aren’t exposed to dangerous platforms and interactions. One of such mobile app monitoring and blocking software is offered by TiSPY. The TiSPY App Monitor and Blocker will help parents to monitor their kid’s online activity without them knowing and thus allow them to intervene before anything goes in the wrong direction. It could be about blocking certain websites, blocking certain users in your kid’s social accounts, monitoring the amount of time your kid spends online and ensuring that no confidential data is shared unknowingly.
With TiSPY, you can:
Monitor applications: The apps that your kid is using and communicating through.
Viewing installed applications: Check the kind of content your kid is interested and/or exposed to.
View audio/video/photo: Ensure that your kid isn’t sharing/accessing content that he/she shouldn’t.
Application blocking: Put a stop to applications that are getting too intrusive or risky.
Application activity: Monitor the kind of content shared, information accessed and time spent on each.
View Date & Time for install/uninstall: Even if your kid goes to the length of installing, using and uninstalling an application that he/she shouldn’t have accessed, you get to know the exact time and date of the activity.