Powerful Audio/Video Surveillance

The task of raising productive, responsible and well rounded teenagers is more than just a difficult task. It’s not that today’s kids have got smarter but today, it’s the technology that makes them seek things that they shouldn’t. Curiosity is a part of growing up but the world has become a smaller place. This also means that the dangers of going out have also come closer. Parental control apps like TiSPY are a great way to track what they have been up to!
Parents of today are busier but TiSPY ensures that you don’t miss a thing. Even if your kid isn’t comfortable sharing his/her stories, you can view it all through the app interface. How is it done?

Enjoy Live Audio & Video telecast of Phone Surrounding
Have you been calling up your kid on his/her phone and aren’t getting any responses? As opposed to getting tensed, you can use the TiSPY app to start a live audio/video telecast to your phone. The camera on your kid’s phone can be activated remotely and you can immediately check out the surrounding and company he/she is in.
Watch live video without delay
Listen live audio of phone with clear voice
Most times, you can always tell where you kid is just by listening to his/her surrounding. If he/she is supposed to be at school and its music playing and friends shouting, you know how to get prepared. Your kid will have no hint of you having been a part of the fun he was at! On the other hand, this feature also helps to immediately send help when your kid might be in trouble.
Take live photos (using both cameras)
The TiSPY software can remotely control both the front and back camera of your kid’s phone. Consequently, you get a 360 degree view of where he/she is. The action is immediate and your kid will have no idea.
Live screenshot of phone
Sometimes you kid might be home busy on his/her phone and you must be wondering what kind of conversations he/she is having. Well, all it takes is a live screenshot of his/her phone! While this sounds really crazy, it does help.

Having said that, the first course of action when you are worried is to be able to talk to your kids and make them understand responsibility and good internet habits. Breach of privacy is the last thing you would want to do but in many cases, it becomes necessary. TiSPY helps in such situations.